Friday, September 25, 2015

5 senses

Hi everyone,
This week was all about our 5 senses. We were able to take a nice nature walk on Mon./Tues. We were able to hear birds, twigs snapping, kids playing soccer on the field, crickets, and the lawn tractors mowing. We saw deer tracks, flowers, bugs, birds, deer trails, a bird house, and a field. We felt the wind, hard rocks and squishy dirt under our feet. We also learned about the letter Yy and the different sounds it can make in words. Picture day was this week and as those come in I will be sending home the photo packets. 

Next week our theme is leaves and fall with a focus on the letter Ll. Monday is Packer day so wear your favorite jersey or green and gold. Wednesday is Rock and Roll day with fun music at lunch time. We will also have a Pep assembly in the afternoon as the high school band gears up for Friday. 

Fluoride varnish letters and forms went home this week. I ended up sending Monday's letter to the Tuesday group and vise versa. But, varnish will be given to those students who's forms are returned stating that you want it administered here at school. Please send the forms back as soon as possible. Our first varnish date will be November 9th and 10th. 

--No school for PreK Wed. Oct. 14th due to Child Development Day
--No school for all students Thurs. Oct. 15th and Fri. Oct. 16th
--Parent/Teacher conferences are Thurs. Oct. 15th(all students) and Fri. Oct. 23rd(for preK) reminder slips about the time you chose at open house will be coming soon. If you did not sign up for a time please contact me so I can give you the available time slots to choose from.

Monday, September 21, 2015

nature walk, pictures, book orders

Just a quick reminder: We have pictures scheduled right away in the morning at 8:30 on Tuesday and Wednesday. Even if you do not plan on ordering pictures, their pictures will be taken so your child will be included in our class photo for the year. Please send the picture envelope back with your photo selections completed and payment included if you intend on ordering pictures. Today we took our nature hike and will tomorrow as well-weather permitting around 10:20. If you want to send play tennis shoes or rain books for your child to wear on the walk we will have them switch prior to us walking. Also, for Tuesday because it is picture day as well, if you want to send a change of clothes we will have the students switch from picture outfit to regular school outfit. Book orders are due this coming Wed. or Thurs. so I can submit the order on Friday. If you choose to order, please send the form and a check made out to Scholastic by Wed./Thurs. You can also order online at and use code MDBF8 so I can submit it with our class. 

Friday, September 18, 2015


This week we learned all about apples. We talked about the life cycle of an apple, what is inside an apple, who or what might eat apples, the different colors, shapes, and sizes they come in, and made a special applesauce treat. We also started our first letter of the week. This week's focus was the letter Aa.

I hope you are enjoying seeing the projects that we do here at school. It is important to encourage your student to try their best and take their time on their work. We will be doing a lot of coloring, cutting, gluing, and writing this year so their skills will improve by the end of this school year. Please continue to take time to have your student practice writing their name as we do this several times each day. If you feel that you would like some pre-writing practice sheets that focus on making straight, curved, and pointed lines I can send them home with your child. These pre-writing skills are essential for being able to form letters. 

Next week we will be learning about our 5 senses. Our letter of the week will be Yy. 

Updates and Reminders:
--Please have your child remain in the lunch room at our class table until 8:00. My assistant Ms. Jenn is there to help get the students situated and in a group to come down the hall together. 
--This coming Monday and Tuesday (weather permitting) we will be taking a nature walk to practice using our senses. Please be sure your child is dressed for the outdoors, rain boots are welcome!
--There will be no school for Pre-K students Wed., Oct. 14th due to Child Development Day.
--There will be no school for all grades Thurs., Oct. 15th and Fri., Oct. 16th.
--Parent Teacher Conferences will be Thurs., Oct. 15th and Fri.. Oct. 23rd. If you did not sign up for a time to meet with me, please contact me for available time slots. I will be sending a reminder notice of your time as the day gets closer. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

First Week!

Our first family project was sent home with your child this week. Please have everyone in your family help complete the Family Tree and please return it to school!

Our theme this week was " Welcome & Bus Safety." We learned about the rules for our school, classroom, and bus. We read the book The Kissing Hand and created a special project just for you. We also began working on our cutting skills, and started making new friends!

Next week our theme will be "Shapes." We will be working on shapes throughout the year but this coming week will be our big kick-off to the world of shapes! The children will be matching shapes, sorting and coloring shapes, making a shape train, creating a noodle shape, and singing/dancing to the shape hokey pokey. 


*Remember to place some money in your child's lunch account if you have not done so yet. 
*Family Tree project due Sept. 9th or 10th
*When your child has a birthday or we celebrate a holiday it is fine to send a treat if you choose to. We currently have 15 children in the Mon./Wed. class and 16 in the Tues./Thurs. class.