Friday, November 30, 2018

Cookies & Christmas Trees

This week we started gearing up for the holiday season by talking about cookies and Christmas trees. We were even able to decorate and enjoy a cookie for filling the big shield in the lunchroom by making good choices at school. We also focused on the letter Cc and the number 4. Our Christmas song practice has been going very well, we hope you are able to join us on Dec. 19th or 20th at 9:30 in the gym for our Pre-K concerts. 

--Dec. 14th is the next Family event-cookie decorating at 2:00 in the Stetsonville lunchroom/gym. Please be sure to send back the sign up slip so we have enough cookies for everyone joining us. 
--We are having a $5 gift exchange before our Christmas concerts. Girls bring a "girl" gift and boys bring a "boy" gift. Please have the gifts sent to school by Dec 12th or 13th. If this will be a hardship for your family this year, please contact me. 
--No school Dec. 24-Jan 1st. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoys the extra days with friends and family. We have been very busy these last two weeks learning about turkeys, pilgrims, feasts, and what it means to be thankful. We have also been reviewing colors, shapes, and patterns. Last week we learned about the number 2 and letter Tt, this week we learned about the number 3. We also made pumpkin pancakes Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The Wednesday class had a special treat, pumpkin pie with 3rd grade buddies for snack time. The 3rd graders were excited about making these pies on their own and being able to share them with our class!

We practiced our Christmas songs for the first time and will be continuing to do so until our concert on Dec. 19th and 20th at 9:30 in the morning. Invites were sent home which included a portion for you to sign and return letting us know your plans to take your child home with you following the program or if they will remain at school for the rest of the day. Please note, there is not going to be academics this day as the majority of students go home after the concert so do not feel your child will be missing out on anything if they do not stay here. Enjoy the extra time before Christmas!

--No school Nov. 22nd and 23rd for Thanksgiving
--December's FBI event: Dec. 14th at 2:00 in the Stetsonville gym/lunchroom. Please be sure to sign up by the deadline so we have enough cookies available for everyone to decorate.
--No school Monday, Dec. 24th-Tuesday, Jan. 1st

Friday, November 9, 2018


This week was all about "Scarecrows". We practiced shapes and cutting skills with a few scarecrow projects and painted colored corn cobs. We also focused on the number 1 and the letter Hh.

We have been gearing up for Thanksgiving by talking about the things that make us happy and thankful. Our turkeys are getting full with the wonderful feathers our families have helped us decorate.

Report cards went home this week. If you have any questions, please contact me. Remember the goal is to have B's by the end of the year, we continue to work on our skills throughout the year!

Next week Monday and Tuesday, the Pre-K teachers are going to be at a conference so if you feel your student needs to be further prepped that there will be a substitute in the room, please feel free to continue the conversation about a different teacher helper being here.

--Our Nov. FBI event is on the 16th (8:00-9:00 M/W and 9:30-10:30 T/Th) for those who signed up for bowling at the Sports Page.
--Early Release: Nov. 21st-dismissal at 1:57
--No school: Nov 22nd and 23rd
--December FBI: cookie decorating in Stetsonville on Dec 14th at 2:00
--Pre-K Christmas Programs: 9:30 on Dec. 19th and 20th (more info coming soon)
--No school Dec. 24-Jan. 1st