Monday, April 23, 2018

Seeds and Flowers

Last week our theme was "Seeds and Flowers". We learned about the life cycle of plants, the parts of plants, and looked at how different seeds can look from one another. We also focused on the number 10. 

We had a lot of fun with the Week of the Young Child events. Lots of students participated in the dress up days, we had a lot of laughs with the Harry and Company Puppet Show, and enjoyed a fun fruit pizza snack. Thank you to all of the families who were able to join us for our Families Being Involved Beach Party and Dance. We had a very good turn out with families registering their incoming PreK students that night as well. 

This week our theme is "Pets". 

--We are having our plastic bag collection/competition. Please send any you would like to recycle to school with your child.
--MAES is hosting a STEM Fair to showcase technology and science exploration and highlight the summer opportunities in our community April 26th 4:00-6:00. A light supper will be provided. 
--PreK is completing a literacy screener the week of April 30th. My class will be testing on Wed/Thurs of next week. 
--We will be walking to the MASH Barn May 2nd and 3rd in the morning.
--We will be going to Huey's Hideaway on May 9th and 10th in the morning.

Friday, April 13, 2018


The last two weeks we have been learning all about oceans and the animals that live in and near them. We have made rainbow fish, crabs, starfish, jellyfish, sharks, and scuba divers.We also focused on the letter Oo and reviewed the numbers 8 and 9. 

We have been working hard on letter recognition by playing ABC bingo. This skill will be graded for 4th quarter and is a big portion of our literacy screener that will take place during the week of April 30 for PreK. Please continue to focus on the letters in your child's name but then continue on with the remaining upper and lowercase letters as they master those. Thanks for all you do to help your child be successful in school!

We will be collecting any donations through the end of the month in honor of Autism Awareness Month. The funds collected will be split between Taylor County Autism Support Group, The Village Inclusive Playground, and Project Lifesaver. 

We will also be collecting any used plastic bags from April 20-27th that you do not need at home. The recycling project is done in collaboration with County Market/Medford Cooperative.  Last year 39,949 bags were collected at our school! 

--Spring Picture Day is Wednesday, April 18th. Please note, if your child is a T/Th student you will need to provide transportation to and from school for that day.
--Early Release, Thursday April 19th-dismissal at 1:52. 
--Next week is Week of the Young Child. We will have various activities and dress up days for the week to help celebrate. 

--April's Families Being Involved Event is Thursday, the 19th from 5-6 pm for those that have signed up. You can arrive a little before 5 with your dish to pass so we can set up the food to begin serving at 5:00. The dance portion will begin roughly 5:30. 
--MAES is hosting a STEM Fair Wednesday, April 18th from 4-6 pm. This event will highlight students' exploration into science, technology, engineering, and math. It will also be a time to preview some of the opportunities that will be available this summer. A light walking tacos luncheon will be provided during this time as well. If you have not returned the sign up sheet please do so-only 1 from each family is needed if you have multiple students at MAES.