Friday, September 30, 2016

5 Senses

This week our theme was "Our Five Senses." We we able to take our nature walk on Monday and Thursday of this week. There were able to see deer trails from the woods to the field, deer tracks, sap marks on trees, holes from woodpeckers on trees, holes of an animal burrow, and a Wood Duck home. We were able to hear crickets, birds, and a lawn mower/tractor. We were able to feel the wind blowing, moss, bark, grass, pine needles and dew on the grass. 

We also focused on the letter Yy and the sounds that it makes. The September Scholastic book orders have come in today. I will be sending them home Monday and Tuesday to those that ordered. Thank you!! I will be sending the October fliers later in the month. We had our first Early Education Reading Award book sent home this week. Each month we provide your child with a book that they are able to keep at home. I hope you enjoy reading these books with your child! 

Next week we will be exploring the theme "Leaves and Fall" and focusing on the letter Ll. 

-No PreK on Wed. October 12th
-No school all grades on Thurs. October 13th and Fri. October 14th
-Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for my students on Thurs. October 13th and
   Fri. October 21st. Reminder notes of the scheduled times will be coming home next week.
   If changes need to be made, please contact me as soon as possible. 

Friday, September 23, 2016


This week we talked all about apples-how they grow, what you can make from them, and the differences between the types of apples. Thank you to those who sent in apples. We were able to make some great applesauce! We also discussed the letter Aa and the sounds it makes. We also had school picture day. I will send the photos home when I receive them, there is a picture retake day in the near future. This was homecoming week for the high school and we were able to join the fun with dress up days. Later today there will be the parade and football game! 

Next week our theme will be our 5 Senses. If the weather cooperates with us we will be taking a nature walk on the Kuse Trail near our school on Monday and Tuesday-otherwise if it is raining we will go Wed./Thurs. Feel free to send mud/rain boots with your child. 

-Parent/Teacher conferences are coming up in October. Reminder slips of the time slots you chose at open house will be sent home soon. 
-No school for Pre-K on Wed. Oct 12th
-No school for all students on Thurs. Oct 13th and 14th

Friday, September 9, 2016

Our First Week

Our first family project was sent home with your child this week. Please have everyone in your family help complete the Family Tree and please return it to school!

Our theme this week was " Welcome & Bus Safety." We learned about the rules for our school, classroom, and bus. We read the book The Kissing Hand and created a special project just for you. We also began working on our cutting skills, and started making new friends!

Next week our theme will be "Shapes." We will be working on shapes throughout the year but this coming week will be our big kick-off to the world of shapes! The children will be matching shapes, sorting and coloring shapes, making a shape train, creating a noodle shape, and singing/dancing to the shape hokey pokey. 


*Remember to place some money in your child's lunch account if you have not done so yet. 

*Family Tree project due Sept. 14th or 15th
*When your child has a birthday or we celebrate a holiday it is fine to send a treat if you choose to. I do ask that the treats be store wrapped in the original package to verify ingredients. We currently have 15 children in the Mon./Wed. class and 16 in the Tues./Thurs. class. We do have allergies to lactose and red dye #40 in our classes this year, so please check the ingredient lists.