Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas is coming soon!

Our first week of the Christmas theme is complete. We have made a few more Christmas presents for friends and family and we learned about the letter Ii. We have also been working hard at zipping our coats independently. Please encourage your student to get dressed completely on their own at home especially for snow pants, boots, jacket, hat, and mittens/gloves. Today we had a Families Being Involved event! The cookies turned out great, thank you all for coming. :-) 

Our program will be Monday the 22nd and Tuesday the 23rd at 9:30. We will have drinks and refreshments after and be sure to stop by the classroom to pick up the gifts we have been making for you! You may park in the front of the school, busing area, by the high school, or by the Simek center if needed. Just remember all vehicles need to be moved by 3:00 if they are parked on the east side (busing area). 

Bedding will be sent home for the holiday break and the spare set of clothing will be sent home to be sure that they still fit and are for warmer weather. Please be sure to send these back after the holiday (labeled too please!). 

More students have been bringing in gifts for our gift exchange. A gift must be brought to receive one. Remember it is a $5 limit. Boys buy for boys and girls buy for girls. Please address them as: To a boy (or girl) from (your student's name). If this will be a hardship for your family this year please let me know so we can be sure that your child may still participate. 

We will be sending home the next family project this week to be completed over the holiday break as well as a workbook that your student can work on during the break as well. 

There will be no school Wed. December 24th through Friday, January 2nd. Classes will resume Monday, January 5th. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Year in far :-)

We are almost in to the new year. Here is a review of what we have done so far!


The themes covered were: Bus Safety, Shapes and Colors, Apples, 5 Senses, Leaves and Fall
We reviewed the letters: Aa, Yy, and Ll

We used our senses on a nature walk. 

We made applesauce from scratch.

The themes covered were: Leaves and Fall, Fire Safety, Hibernation and Migration, Halloween

We reviewed the letters: Ll, Ff, Mm, Jj
We began our focus on numbers with:1

We had a visit from the fire department! We were able to see all of their gear, climb in the fire truck, and hear the siren. 

We had a Halloween party/dress up day. We trick-or-treated in the classroom and went on a costume parade. 

Our first Families Being Involved activity was pumpkin carving. 

The themes covered were: Night Time, Scarecrows, Thanksgiving
We reviewed the letters: Kk, Hh, Tt
We reviewed the numbers: 2, 3, 4

We had a pajama day with popcorn for our night time activity. We had our first snow/ice day of the school year. Had a pumpkin bar treat for Thanksgiving and began practicing our Christmas songs for our program in December.

Our Families Being involved event this month was bowling!

This month we will be focusing on the themes: cookies and Christmas trees, and Christmas
We will focus on on the letters Cc, Ii and the number 5

We decorated gingerbread houses and have been working hard on making special Christmas gifts for our families.We are also working on trying to zip our coats independently so we can be part of the zipper club. We are doing really well on our songs for our programs!